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Wix Style React Library (back-office)

If You Need New Component / Review / Found a bug

Need a new component? new feature to an existing component? want a review from WSR team?, or found a bug? Fill this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfmdWT7dZDq2joLArVYeKSLYa2P9OkpwLJ-59OMsw6uphgj

UX Guidelines for back office pages

In this article we have gathered all the useful links to guidelines for UX in working with DS.The full list of guidelines articles is hereDesign System FoundationsRead the full articlead full articlelThe visual

What is Wix Style React?

Wix Style React is a library of UI components for web applications. It has a predefined style that represents Wix brand and each component has a specific intention.GoalThe library is meant to be used by UX desi

The Team

Wix Style React has a full time team working to maintain the library and introduce new features.Team AccountabilitiesMaintain a cohesive and consistent system throughout Wix backoffice.Increase velocity in orde

Status, Planning & Road maps

Our planning is done by gathering information from different groups and management requirements and needs.We compile all requirements into one list. In this list we try to understand the scope of the project, i

How to work with WSR UX library

Managing & DocumentingSketch LibraryMain Users: UXsHow to instal the WSR library on sketchCreating new symbol / updating a symbol in Sketch library - check list:Update or create symbol in the symbol library ske

Tools we use in our team

Wix Style React consists of multiple materials than accommodate different needs.Guidelineshttps://ux.wix.com/en/wix-style-design-system/design-guidelinesArticles that share design best practices and patterns.Sk

Zeplin Spec Template

TemplateYou can find the template file here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ee1c6XPRn9iqsuAxhfPjcaJpobTg5fL6?usp=sharingExamples

Contribution Process in WSR

Contribution with WSRThe purpose of the contribution is to allow the development of a component that has been approved by us (the WSR team) (in terms of both product and development) in order to allow the re-us