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Wix Components Group
Who we are?We are the component group at Wix. The group incorporates the various Wix component libraries into it to provide reusable and correct use of each Wix component.We deal with the component life cycle f
Process of doing product in WIX
thx for the heads up 00 - KickoffWhat is a kickoff? The initial process, even before you start working on the new product. At this point, an opening call is made to talk about the product, its purpose, and who
List of roles in product preparation
PM - Product Manager UX - User Experience PCD - Product Content Designer UXR - User Experience Writer CCE - Customer Care Experts (also responsible on support tickets) DEV - Developer BA - Business An
Wix Components Roadmaps
2020Q1 - 2020Q1 - 2020Q2 - 2020Q2 - 2020Q3 - 2020Q3 - 2020Q4 - 2020Q4 - 2020Editor elements Aside from Thunderbolt, In Q3 we also worked on the menu effort, and opened the New Horizontal Menu to Beta Partners a